By the time it was our turn (we were running in 10th position), it was known that the cattle were difficult - some were lucky to get to the first drive panels.
I sent Gin out, and had a fair outrun and lift (she was running wide) , and my poor piloting allowed only 1 head through the fetch panels - she did a perfect lookback, and once again, I let her down by not getting any cattle through the panels.

Gin worked hard, and listened to everything I asked her. They were hard to get going on a flow, but eventually we got them driving to the panels. I really must need glasses, I misjudged the drive panels as well, and didn't get many head through.

She was on her game, wish I could have said the same about myself!
We timed out at the chute as a few head were making their way through - of course those points didn't count.

I had really wanted to load those cattle in the trailer - maybe next year.

For our efforts, we ended up 7th - Juan Reyes and his dog Zac are the 2010 USBCHA Cattledog Champions- and it was well deserved. For such a young dog, he is really talented. I am thinking maybe Gin should have a date with this Wyoming fella!
Yeah Wendy!!!!!