The skies were a little more clear the next day, but one could get away from the fact that the ground was saturated. These plonkers were one of many who had to have Mr. John Deere help them out of a mess.
Would it be Kevin Evans and Mirk?
It was really any one's game.
Serge van der Zweep and Eve prayed before their run.
People like Cristine Clarkson made sure the days event went without a hitch.
All the runs were videotaped. There were some speculations throughout the day, and some favorites came to the post - but in the end, it was any one's game. Serge and Eve were the front runners for most of the day.
Some spectators had a better viewing advantage than others.
Micheal Gallagher and Cap tried to come on top again. By the end of the day, he would settle for third place.
Tom Lawrenson and Clyde was fourth overall.
Lyle Lad and her dog Shep was the only woman handler in the finals.
Unfortunately a grip at the shed would end their run.
Tommy Wilson and Sly was in the same boat, which sunk in the shedding ring as well.
The skulls and crossbones flag marked the end of Tommy's run.

James McGee and Becca would ultimately be the ones to show all others.
I didn't know Wolverine was a fan of dog trials!