Well, we (meaning me and the dogs, Chris had to stay home to do hay) returned from our mini holiday. We first stopped at our ranch in Alder Flats for the night before heading up to Dawson Creek, BC for Jean and Denis Gelling's trial - a very fun trial, and I am planning to go back next year.
We all cracked our dogs out for the outruns set before us.
My hero is Holly Crichton - not one of us should complain-she has taken life by the horns and made it her own. We are the master of our own destiny.

And talking about destiny - I am always destined to have some trouble on the road - I stayed at Ken Price's, and one morning I discovered a flat on my truck - luckily Ken could pump me up and I could get it into town before it went flat again.
And talking about destiny - I am always destined to have some trouble on the road - I stayed at Ken Price's, and one morning I discovered a flat on my truck - luckily Ken could pump me up and I could get it into town before it went flat again.
I stayed till the bitter end - always like watching the double lift - but it is always more fun if you could be in it - missed it this time by 1 point (not that it matters, I still missed getting in).
Ken Price and Creed were crowned champions (or weiners as I like to call him).
Then after Dawson Creek, and a quick stop in Edmonton to drop Fly at airport to Kingston, I went to Pleasantdale, Sask to visit Norm and Bev Sommer. It wasn't all dog training though - we helped a neighbor move their yearlings to another field.

Quads, horses and dogs were used - no wrecks occurred, and we got the job done.

I however, do not like quads - honestly I am afraid of going down inclines - so if you see me moving slowly in a trial, you know what is going through my mind - "I am going to tip, I am going to tip!"
Quads, horses and dogs were used - no wrecks occurred, and we got the job done.
I however, do not like quads - honestly I am afraid of going down inclines - so if you see me moving slowly in a trial, you know what is going through my mind - "I am going to tip, I am going to tip!"
After a few days of training and dog dealing (Bev now owns my Syd-I guess it is her Syd now)- I made it towards Lloyminster, Alberta for an arena trial. I stopped at Denholm to visit my neice Robyn and her husband Brendan. I was throwing a ball with a string, it got caught in a tree, and found this nest - if you see carefully you can see two fledglings in the branches. I am not much of a bird watcher, but they looked like cardinals or something. All I am sure is that they weren't turkeys. And I wasn't able to retrieve the ball.
The dogs romped about and played ball with Brenden, and their dog Polly
joined in as well
After the workout, they enjoyed a cool dip in the pool. The Deholm community pool.
Finally we made it to Lloyminster and did two days of trialing. It was a really fun time - weather was good, sheep were even, and laughing was done.
Saw some people I hadn't seen for awhile - one being Judy Finseth. Lots of visiting was done, and I think this will be a repeat trial for me next year.

I had Creed in the Pro-Novice, and Gin in the Open.
We packed up yesterday, stopped at Jill Brodie's to drop her dog off who was travelling with me from Sommer's, and finally got home. Today, I have a few things to do, then Gin and I will join Fly tomorrow in Kingston for the Kingston Trial. Think I will sleep on the plane.
I had Creed in the Pro-Novice, and Gin in the Open.
Creed was second on day one, and first on day two. Gin was first on day one, and fifth on day two. They both won me jackets for high point accumulation (Good Dogs!!!)
I think Gin will sleep as well.
The fun continues!!!!
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