So the tour begins! May want to read the previous blog to remember the excitement of teh first leg of travel. This was John, the 90 year old traveller. He had mentioned that he should have a cane, but he was too stubborn. If we can all live our lives to the fullest like he has, we will all be better people. Perhaps I should think about my liver so this can occur.
Six hours later, Gin was out of the clink, and we were set for our first leg of our UK tour.
After a quick sleep, we got up and went just outside of the World Trial site to a farm trial. Five pounds was a small price to pay for the fun had. Meeting the local triallers was part of it as well, and some foreigners were there as well, including the Germans and the Finnish. And of course, the Canadians.
If you look in the middle there is half a wall present on the field. The dogs, if sent left, would sometimes get lost in the corner, and have to be redirected. If sent to the right, they may get lost behind the slight ledge that was present. I just hoped I would not make a fool of myself. Tom Longton was the judge of the day.
Here is a closer view of the field. Oh my, oh my, what is a Canadian to do?
Bobby was one of the first to run, after signing in. A mixture of Swaledale and Herdwick were the flavour of the day. Mint sauce was sought for the pen, which was difficult in the morning.
So after a few runs after Bobby, it was Gin and my turn at the post.
And we sent to the left, and she went by the wall, and with a whistle was on the correct side of the girls. Coming down the fetch was tricky, but Gin seemed to handle them not too bad. They actually walked up the fetch line.

We hit the fetch panels (or hurdles as they are called).
They turned around the post not too shabbily.
We hit the first panels (scraping the panels I might add) and had a decent crossdrive, but at the second drive panel, they had placed them in front of a water hazard. I missed them completely and brought them through again...chaching, chaching went the points.
Next was the drive to the pen.
The squirts squirted several times before they were finally penned...9 points off.
We got the single in the non-shedding ring, ten minutes of fun was had!
Marylou Campbell and Kathy Keats had come out to the trial as well. Marylou had a nervous pee prior to her run.
Unlike Gin, Dyna was working quite nicely during her heat cycle. Thank God Gin is done her cycle, it appears her brains have returned.
Katie Cropper and her dog Scrim was also there. Having never met her before, she is quite personable.
We didn't stay the whole day, the rain actually fell in sheets. I think about the clothes I have brought, and may have to find some more jumpers. No shorts for this trip that is for sure. At least I remembered my boots.
Perhaps I will think about this manouver, since Dyna had quite a nice run.
We got back to Bondcroft, and thought I should take some candid photos.
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