The Canada Day weekend started with the parade in Trochu. Joey, Hannah and I made it just in time to see the town mayor in his official suit.
We watched the parade, and Joey collected the proceedings of the parade.
After the trial, the kids and I quickly did the fair portion and then went home.

So being Canada Day, the kids and I waited until dusk to take in some fireworks. We drove into town with Joey and Hannah's sister Ashley and her boyfriend Jason to take in some lights. As we were driving to Irricana, we saw some fireworks in the distance - so we sped up so we wouldn't miss the show. We drove around Irricana about 10 minutes (not a big town), and decided we had missed everything. As we jumped out of the truck, Jason heard the booms of the fireworks - we ran out to the road to catch the lights - albeit 4 miles from town.
Then when Irricana was done their show, we looked over our left shoulder to take in Strathmore's lights (20 minutes away).

Happy Birthday Canada!!!!

After a fast sleepover, the kids and I went to Olds to the Old Dogs and Ewe Tricks trial. Yes, the ewes had many tricks up their fleeces, and penning wasn't to be one of them.

There was good dog work nonetheless. Jimmy Walker's Mitch (who at this moment is leading the Triple Crown event), moved the old cronies without biting. Mitch is, by the way, 2011 USBCHA National Cowdog Champion. I am sure, the dog thought he didn't have to travel all the way from Texas to get attitude from the Mountainview Colony sheep!
Joey and Joy was in the novice class. They did well the first round and got right to the pen. They did their best, but a pen was not to be.

It definitely was not without the lack of trying.
In the second round we had a blistering pace, but still could not pen. This better change by Stampede time!
Creed did pretty well, got to the pen the first go round.

But the second go round he did not fare as well - he lost his marbles so to speak - couldn't remember his flanks. This is much like his half sister Flossy - who totally flipped me the bird. And for that, she gets no pictures - maybe one on the for sale page perhaps.
The finalists to go forward to win the big one in Olds included George Walker and Lass, Corey Perry and the trio (Ben, Callie and Jill), Jimmy Walker and Mitch and Jill Brodie and Ryder.
George was the first one to go, and the first one to pen in the finals.
Corey and the others did his best to follow George's example.
In the end, it was Lassie, the Kelpie, to beat everyone. Kelpie prices are now going to be at an all time high.
After the dog trial, the rest of the day continued on - there was a heavy horse show. The teams and their wagons all shone.
Many hours go into to spiff these rigs up.

The finale was the pony chuckwagons. The thundering hooves of 36" and less powerful steeds.
Midget drivers are being sought.
And the winner, by a (little) nose!
After the day was over, the kids and I got back home, with a quick trip to Dairy Queen. There were a couple of snores on the way back to the farm. Dog chores had to be done, and Hanna was in there like a dirty shirt (of which she now had).
Hannah then asked me if she paid me $5, could she take my dog and run. What could I do? We paid our entry fees, and Hannah and Gin (with me in tow) did her first dog run. The first run we almost got the sheep in, and after that, Hannah was hooked. Another five dollars was promised, and we went in again. During that run, Hannah spotted the big bouncy house, and asked if we could go into that after. I said we were in a middle of a run, and we should finish. Yup, no stage fright there.
Gin did well in the first round - up to the pen - where she had a ewe go after her. What could she do but to bite the old goat!
But the second go round he did not fare as well - he lost his marbles so to speak - couldn't remember his flanks. This is much like his half sister Flossy - who totally flipped me the bird. And for that, she gets no pictures - maybe one on the for sale page perhaps.
The finalists to go forward to win the big one in Olds included George Walker and Lass, Corey Perry and the trio (Ben, Callie and Jill), Jimmy Walker and Mitch and Jill Brodie and Ryder.
The best part of the weekend?
Was the the parade?
Was it the dog trials?
Was it the races?
I would have to say it was on the way home, when Hanna said, "Auntie, ...I love you."
Bless her heart!!
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