Let us step back in time, to the Friday following the Stampede in Calgary. I took the day off from work so once again I could play with the dogs and have some time with my niece and nephew. Shawn Wells phoned some people up and invited us down to Pincher Creek, Alberta for a trial. The first go round would be on sheep, and then the second go round (for the top 5) would go on cattle.
I packed up Joey and his dog Joy and Hanna and went on Thursday night and slept at a motel - a little holiday in the eyes of the little ones.
As you can see, the stands were full of spectators. Shawn and his dog Jeff were the first ones to go.

Bill Reid and his dog also went through the paces.

Shawna Burton brought her dog Kate.

Dale Montgomery also came out with his Spot and Ben. Once again he showed he is the master of the pen. God I wish someone would stop inviting him to trials.

Dale and Ben showed their prowess in doing the arena trial.

Joey and Joy did their thing. Dale, watch out. One day this fellow will knock you off your pedestal!
Hannah made sure she had her dog trialling stick with her.

Hanna and Joey then borrowed my camera and took some candid shots.
Creed had a watchful eye on the proceedings.

Joey did some close up work of Gin...who needs a professional photographer...Joey will work for
Jube Jubes.

The early morning trial time proved to be wearing on some of the competitors.

After the sheep arena, then the 5 top dogs went forward. It was Dale and his two dogs Ben and Spot, Shawna Burton and Kate, and me and Creed and Gin.

For the cattle arena sudden death, the stands filled up three-fold. Gin moved the doggies well. There was some splitting up during the run, and all obstacles weren't done by Gin.

Shawna and Kate went through the paces.

Dale and Spot showed the rest of us how to do it. In the end Dale won both 1st and 2
nd, Kate won 3rd and Gin and Creed rounded off the top. Of course, they only paid to 3 spots, but it was fun nonetheless. One day Dale.....one day.

On our way home, we spotted some
tee pees. I thought there was a pow wow on the reserve, so the kids and I took an unauthorized travel down a road. We found a yard on the reserve with a
porche and a new camper (hard Canadian taxpayers monies at work), but we never did find the road to the
tee pees. Found a road to the casino however.
Knowing how well Hannah and Joey can do the hula hoop, I thought I could drop them off at the reserve to pick up some dancing tips....they didn't think it was a good idea.
We ended up stopping in Nanton, Alberta for the best ice cream ever (highly recommended). I dropped my two fares off at their home, and then I went up to Wetaskawin up to work that night. I believe there was a total of 6 hours driving that day.....singing to Sugarland most of the way...no money won...but memories made. Totally worth the trip.
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