What the H, E, double hockeysticks is a turbo - whatever it is, it got broken on the truck as Chris was making it home from Maple Creek. Synopsis - Western Canadian Finals was at Maple Creek, Chris had taken the horses down to set for the finals, I left early (Saturday), to bring the kids back home, left some dogs with Chris since I couldn't take them home all with the load I had. Chris spent all week waiting for the clutch to be repaired on the truck. We had limped it into the mechanics (Cheverolet Dealership in Maple Creek) on the friday of the trial - ample time to get the parts in, and fix it on the Monday (day after the trial). They finally got it done on Tuesday afternoon, and then Chris tried to put it into reverse to hitch the trailer. Alas, there was no reverse. Back into the mechanic the next morning, and they discovered they were not supposed to machine the piece they had, so they had to order another flywheel (what the heck is that anyways), from Saskatoon, so that was another day of waiting. Finally Friday they had everything done. Thank goodness, since I am up in Wetaskiwin for the next 3 weeks, and Chris's mom is leaving for a holiday. I only brought Gin and Fly with me since we are flying out of Edmonton for Virginia, so the rest of my dogs are at home. So it all worked out, so I thought. At 9:30 last night, Chris calls on the east side of Brooks - the turbo is gone. When it rains it pours. In the end, a towtruck pulled the truck and trailer home, to the tune of $700. Not sure what a turbo costs. Probably has to be shipped in from Maple Creek, Saskatchewan.
The trial gods are likely peeing themselves laughing. I, however, don't find it that amusing. Oh well, everyone is back home now. Possibly I will laugh when I pay the Visa bill - on second thoughts, not likely.
Sheep Soccer
9 years ago
OMG!!! When it rains it pours!!!!! Your bad luck rubbed off on me this past week... coyotes killed every lamb that was at home while we were gone. Then Sask crop insurance who is supposed to look after the Pretator program were being asses and wouldn't sent a trapper out to kill off the excess coyotes.Got 1 already and have a hunter working on the problem. Flash got his hind leg caught in wire and had to be cut out to free him. It's not cut baD BUT SWOLLEN FROM THE HOCK DOWN.Then I got stung by a bee( I'm allergic) trip to hospital AHHHHHHHH. On a better note, Penny had 6 pups. Will send pics