Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last Of The Trials - Well, Field Trials That Is

Well, after the fun time I had with Ferninad (Blondie) the bull, the end of of the work day came and Chris and I headed off to Maple Creek, Saskatchewan to the last field trial of the season.
When we got there, two mistakes were made evident. One, I assumed that there were going to be rooms available to stay at, but like Christmas, there was no room at the inn.  This was quickly rectified when Dawn Montgomery directed us to a great bed and breakfast in town - if you ever have to stop in Maple Creek, make sure you stop at the Redmond House.  Is truly a jewel in southwestern Saskatchewan.  The other mistake was, Chris did not hear me in the morning saying, "The bag is on the bed, fill it with your clothes and bring it."  Instead, he filled his little suitcase, and left my clothes behind.  I would spend the weekend in the clothes I wore at work - bull shit.  Yes, bull crap was on my sweatshirt that resulted from my dance with Blondie earlier on in the day.
Now, Maple Creek is a well established trial, and this year I saw more spectators than ever.  That probably had to do with the great weather during that weekend.
Once again, Chris was the designated driver of the sheep to the set out post.
Everyone watched the trial intently.
Even the judge, Stormy Winters was seen watching the trial.
Stormy did not have to worry, if he forgot to judge a run, there would be others to watch his back.

The field is a tricky field - some dogs went off into the distance, some crossed the course.  It was to be not a great trial for my dogs - but finally, by the third run, things seemed to fall together.
The peanut gallery was always on duty.
Peter trying to work out the kinks out of his neck.  The night before at the restaurant, there was a party of people that were dressed nicely for a wedding.  One particular lady had a dress on which caused Peter to have a slight case of whiplash.  This lady would have been the poster girl for HTR (Hub's Titty Ranch).  Sorry, this is a family blog, so no pictures available.
Dale Montgomery's neck was fine (because he sat to his back to her).  This led him to have good runs with his dogs.
When it was all done, even Stormy won - ProNovice Champion with Kate. He sported his winnings with pride.  I think he was sleeping with the judge.
He won't be cold in Neville, Saskatchewan this winter.
With the pro-novice awards given out, the course was set out differently for the next runs.  I did have a great run with Gin shaping up - that is after I was able to get her to the sheep since she was lost.  Apparently we had 2 points off to my feet (plus the 10 for the outrun), when I lost all 100 points because I gave a wrong flank at the post.  Dyslexia hits at the most inappropriate times.
However, by the end of the trial, I did happen to get a good final run with Gin, finishing second with a 86 (that darn Peter Gonnet with a case of whiplash whipped our ass with a 92).  Floss was able to win a pronovice round (I think the gods were taking pity on me).
I won a swanky new toque.
McCord will not be a cold winter.
The big wiener was Dale Montgomery and Zip for the 2012 Maple Creek Classic (if you look really carefully, you will see my and Gin's name on the trophy as well, back in 2009 - just to prove, we can have a good weekend).
After the trial was done, Chris and I went to get the prize of the weekend....Daisy.  When we picked up Daisy, I should have had a box of tissues. The lady, who was maybe 4'6", hugged the little cow and cried.  She was a lovely cow who was loved, and I promised I would look after Daisy.
Chris became intimate with Daisy in the morning.  This here, is the poster girl for HTR.  
Herbert Holmes - your ranch is complete!

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